Sometimes when I'm in a poopy mood, I try to take time to remember how lucky I am. I have an amazingly sweet, loving husband, we're healthy, we have a roof over our heads, and we have amazing friends and family! So cheesy as it is, today's outfit was inspired by warmth and love that I feel from my friends, family, and husband.

OOTD specs:
Abercrombie & Fitch floral pintucked button-up sz M (thrifted $4)
Anthropologie corduroy paisley skirt by Idra sz 0 (thrifted $6, anyone know when this was from, or name?)
Wanted patent white flats ($15)
Floral cloche hat (thrifted $2)
H&M necklace ($10?)
Turquioise and carnelian silver ring ($15)
Sterling silver lady ring (thrifted $5)
Sterling silver etched bone ring ($40 from Frye Art Museum)
Hubby is taking me out on a date night tonight cuz he knows I had a rough evening yesterday. He makes me so happy!

Get a similar look:
7 comments: sorry to hear about your coworker. How rude! Why do people have to be so nasty in emails? It can be an immature and passive aggressive move! Have fun on the date with your hubby. I'm excited to hear where you guys are going. :)
I just love your photos Lori, as I always do. they look so playful and fun. I cant believe we are pretty much the same age - you look much so younger than me!
I love your floral inspired outfit. Your cute little cloche hat is the perfect accessory!
sorry about your horrible email. I hope the rest of your week gets better.
Thanks Cindi and Jen!
@Cindi it makes it worse knowing the email came from a 60 something year old man who's totally power tripping. I think we're heading out to Nishino's tonight :)
@Jen no way! I think we totally look the same age (which is to say I think we both look young!) I probably have you fooled with all the jumping and twirling about, I lends a certain immaturity to my photos :D
Nice!! The company I work for...which owns golf courses, actually owns Nishino! Haha. But then they also own a cigar shop and make baby blankets for charity! It's one of the best sushi places in I'm so you'll have a blast.
Amazing outfit, and almost all thrifted. Don't know the skirt name, but looks familiar.
Love your mirror image photography. Is this your garden? Looks fabulous.
Don't let the co-worker BS get to you. Hope it wasn't about Blogging.
Because they should have said nothing but wonderful things about your blog.
There is only one thing more important than Shopping. Friends!
Its ok love, remember they're only trying to pull you down because you are above them. :) Somehow.
That aside, I think your skirt is super awesome! Love the floral ensemble!
-Gayle from
@Cindi that's neat that your company owns Nishinos. I hope they take you there for company parties then, I LOOOOVE the food there! I feel lucky to have it so close by!
@Laura thanks for the compliments and support! Don't worry, problem was very much not about blogging. Just some power trippin' in academia. And yes, these pics are from my garden :)
@Gayle Thanks for stopping by! I checked out your blog and you and your fashion are super fun! Your pics have such attitude! It's great!
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