Hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA the past few days. I've been under the weather and "under the gun" so to speak. :)
First, off, I got an email from Tara this morning at
Little Girl Big Closet. She's hosting a contest for the best Fall outfit. Turns out, she had over 120 entries, so she used a random number generator to pick out 12 for people to vote for... and mine's one of them! I'm outfit 9 :) Go take a look at everyone's lovely interpretation of a Fall cozy outfit and vote on her sidebar for your favorite outfit! You can see the outfits and vote
here. Voting ends on Monday!
Now for a couple delayed OOTDs. The past few days, I've been feeling less than healthy. Being sick means dressing COMFY but not FRUMPY. For me, feeling frumpy makes me feel slightly worse, slightly less awake, less able to get work done, and more likely to sleep! And I needed to be very productive this week! So I fell into an easy cozy non-frumpy feeling formula of cardi + top + skinny jeans + flat shoes of some sort.
Thursday's outfit

I don't know how well you can see them, but I love the little purple flower shaped buttons on this Marc Jacob top!
Amusing story. Thursday I was working at the office, and my office mate exclaimed "oh those flowers make me so happy!" I start glancing around the room looking for flowers. I didn't see any cut flowers. I thought, "hm, maybe it's a screen saver or something that's brightening her day." Then she laughed and explained that they were only flowers she could see... because they were on my head:

I actually don't like this last pic, but I wanted to show y'all the flower pins I had in my hair. I put these in to make me feel a little happier (and keep my hair slightly in check). And then I completely forgot I was wearing them. LOL!
OOTD Specs
Dark green/teal Caslon sweater sz S (thrifted $5)
Marc Jacobs purple striped top sz XS ($10
Anthropologie Treasurebox)
Lisa Skinny Jeans by Fire Jeans sz 5 (thrifted $7)
Navy Hunter Wellington boots ($40 at Costco)
H&M teal flower hair pins ($5)
Friday's outfit

Can you find the Buddie in this picture? Man, I look exhausted.
Friday's outfit fit my cozy scheme, but it also worked as a nod to a potential Halloween costume. Robin from
California Dreams asked me what I was going to be for Halloween. Truthfully, I don't usually dress up for Halloween. There are three halloween parties tonite that we've been invited to, but due to still being slightly under the weather, I think I'm going to sit this one out. But I did think about what costumes I could wear. I contemplated dressing up as:
1) Emma Pillsbury from Glee
2) Joyce Ramsay from Mad Men
3) me from High School
These were my choices, because I had clothes that fit these :) Thanks to Debbie from the
Dark Horse, I have my Precious Materials Cardi! I also recently thrifted a blazer that looks an awful lot like the on Joyce Ramsay wears. It even has those front pockets so I can walk around with my hands stuck in them - keeping my elbows out like wings, lol. And finally, I dug out my letter man jacket from High School. I was on varsity tennis - so I was going to dress up as a sporty Lori from my high school years complete with varsity jacket, tennis skirt, and high school duffel bag.
meh, well, the options were certainly fun to compose in my head. An actual Emma costume would mean I would wear a cute skirt and pumps and accessories. But that didn't fit my comfy sick theme, nor my vow to dress down on Fridays. So I ended up in jeans again :/
Friday OOTD Specs
Anthropologie Precious Materials Cardigan by Moth sz S ($60 sale)
White H&M divided t-shirt sz 8 ($8)
Lisa Skinny Jeans by Fire Jeans sz 5 (thrifted $7)
Merona Madalena Suede Ballet Flats - Grey (NWT at Goodwill $7.50)
Blue polka dotted yellow socks (pack of three for $2)