I got a little more work done on my flower washcloth last night. I finished the last two petals and joined them all together and started knitting in the round with the yellow cotton yarn. It's a lot larger than I thought it would be!

I'm Lori. Welcome to my little blog. I live with my husband, our two kitties, and a doggy.
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twas a fun and busy holiday. I got some craftin' done that I've been meaning to take pics of.
I started the flower wash cloth from weekend knits. (I just noticed that asha has been chewing on the corners of this book :( ) I'm using Bernat cotton tots yarn in blue for the petals and yellow for the center.
I also started Sophie with the yarn I dyed
and close up
I really like how the dyed yarn colors are knitting up!
I also recieved my elann order of oxblood colored peruvian wool yarn.
and I started a fun fur scarf for my mom who asked me to knit her a scarf with "fur yarn" like the ones she saw at a holiday fair. It's done with lionbrand fun fur and caron's so soft. By accident I grabbed one skein of fun fur and one skein of joann's brand cello yarn of the same color. The cello has longer fur, and if I knit another scarf like this in the future, I'd probably want to use just cello.
I met Paulie's sister, Erin, and tried to teach her to knit. This is the first person I've ever tried to teach to knit, and I don't know that I did a very good job. I only covered casting on and the knit stitch to get her started. She then went to Michael's with Paulie to buy yarn, needles, and a knitting book for her flight home to Chicago.
I made this necklace for my secret santa
my secret santa likes the comic Lenore, so I made her a Lenore pendant from shrinky dink plastic and some vintage lucite beads.
btw, shrinky dinks are sooooo much fun.
I've already been to one thanksgiving dinner (my first Vegetarian/Vegan one ever!) 3 more to go!
Asha is celebrating Thanksgiving too by gorging herself and becoming tubbs. On the up side, she now sleeps through the night.
An appliance man is scheduled to come by and check out our stove to see why it may be leaking. I hope it gets fixed so that I can start baking again!
This weekend I didn't knit very much, but I did get a chance to finish the Mondial Hat I'd been making. I likey very much! There may be a very large pom pom in the works for the top of the hat as well, although I can't decide yet if I want to use up the rest of the yarn for that or not.
For anyone who lives near fremont, FunkyFiberFellowship has its meeting tonight at 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm at Jack's Brewing Company on 39176 Argonaut Way
Fremont, CA 64538.
Tonight people will be learning Tunisian Crochet from Jennifer of StichDiva Studios. She uses the stitch for this poncho pattern
We have started a new regimen in the house for asha. She was getting really grumpy between feeding times, and very whiney. We're trying to bring her back to the time when we used to let her eat unhindered from a full bowl. Some cats can regulate themselves, and I think Asha used to be ok at it until I started worrying she'd get fat and rationed out her food.
Anyway, so we need to get her used to having a full bowl again. Last night I poured her a whole bowl which is about 6 times as much food as she gets normally in a day. Man she gorged herself and ate for 20 mins straight. It was like she was afraid it would all dissappear. But now it's better. This morning she ate a little bit from the bowl, but wasn't scarfing like last night.
I made some 10.5 size dpns to work on sophie. I was lucky that the dowel I bought at Ace was a 10.5 (I hadn't brought my sizing card with me because it was an impulse trip to Ace). The new dpns are really pretty. I'm not sure if Ace uses a different type of wood from OSH (uses poplar), but the wood felt a little harder, and has a much richer color.
Unfortunately, I got some blisters sanding down my dpns. This now makes it painful to knit :( and my left index finger still is kiling me from when I had my marathon spinning day last week.
So I can't spin or knit right now (w/o some pain), well I guess I could dye some more... Oh speaking of dyeing, I completely forgot to mention what color dyes I used yesterday. I ended up using a mix of Raspberry and Colbalt Blue.
It's a monthaversary day, so ervy and I will be going out to eat tonight (yay!), but that means that again my plans to go to the local SnB have been pushed off till next week (although prolly two weeks from now since next week is turkey week).
Finally gave in to play with some of the Jacquard Procion MX dyes I bought. I really wanted Jacquard acid dyes, but University Arts didn't carry it, and I was too lazy to go over to Accent Art to see if they had it. Anyway, Procion MX should work, I think.
Squeeze out the yarn and put more vinegar on. (vinegar helps set the dye)
ooh pretty
place in microwave bowl and nuke for 2 mins, let rest for 4 mins, nuke for 2, rest for 4, etc
I'll take pics of the finished yarn later. It's resting/cooling before I rinse it :)
she's becoming too tubby. But she really gets to us with her meows. They're not annoying or anything (in fact they're very cute), but they make us want to make asha happy. Her happiness of course entails us bringing her more food to her food dish... although sometimes she just meows so we'll scratch her under her chin.
Jacqueline asked for some photos of the handpaintedyarn.com order I received yesterday. I actually had taken some photos, but the photos just don't seem to convey the beauty of the yarn. And further, you just won't know it's lovely softness until you FEEL it.
But I love posting pics of yarn, so here it is, my handpaintedyarn.com order of merino worsted weight wool in the Emerald colorway:
and an up close one:
I also finished the motherbearproject.org bear yesterday. Doing the face was difficult for me, I'm not that great at embroidering I guess. The instructions reccommended that I embroider the face after I sewed and stuffed the bear. But, if I had to do it again, I think I'd do the face first for a couple reasons. 1) I could hide the tied on knots better & 2) I wouldn't have to worry about the needle pushing/pulling stuffing through as it went through the knitting.
I am going to start another bear for the project as soon as I get some size 7 needles (this one I did on size 8's with approval from the project coordinators, but it costs them more to send to Africa when the bears are larger, so I should definitely do my next ones on size 7s). Joanns.com has free shipping until tomorrow, so I'll probably put in an order for new needles today while I'm running experiments at the Business School.
Friday night the group hit Korean BBQ. I'd had a craving ever since I read Norge Thingy's yarn blog that had pictures of her outing to K BBQ. mmm.. It was tasty! We went to Ben and Jerry's afterwards for dessert and I had Oatmeal Cookie ice cream YUM!
Saturday was lovely. We drove around our neighborhood looking for yard sales. I was hoping to find a nice cheap desk. But there were only 2 yard sales that we saw. At one of them Ervy and I picked up three glass Planter's Peanut Jars filled with glass vintage beads for $5 a pop. I'm not sure what I'll do with the beads, but for right now, they all make pretty mantel decoration.
We then went to Costco and found that the seafood people finally had live clams again! We called together a last minute white wine party in celebration of the finding. We had steamed clams and a garlic butter pasta with bell peppers, portabello mushrooms and fresh porcini mushrooms and fresh bread. For dessert, minger made caramelized pears served warm with Marianne's vanilla bean ice cream.
then the night started to get foggy for me. I developed a major headache from drinking my 3 half glasses of wine too quickly, and I retired to the couch/bedroom around 10pm (so damn early). I did come out a couple times to a grand snafu. It was horribly bright, and I just remember Paulie standing on a chair refusing to come down. weird
Sunday the day our friends probably thought we had died. I woke up around 10am, but stayed in bed until 11 when I nudged ervy to wake up. He had promised to take me to the Paly high flea market. Of course, ervy was horribly hung over. I didn't watch his drink count as I had retired early (see Saturday) the night before.
On our way to paly, we stopped at safeway to get bagels and doughnuts. Ervy went to the restroom to puke. We ended up at Paly with ervy looking like a sheet. He was miserable so I made take us home (he was reluctant because he had promised that even if he was sick he would take me to the flea market). We ended up at home around 1pm. We pretty much ended up sleeping the rest of the day because ervy was too sick to do anything else.
wow. weekend. yeah
discovering that i had comments on my photos from flickr members. I knew that I had made them public, but I didn't really think of flickr as a photo forum like photo.net or the other photo one i used to go to all the time (that i can't remember the name of for the life of me).
I don't mind, it was just strange to realize, but fun to read through as well
I am Gourmet Girl
Click on the picture below to read more:
When I come out of the bedroom in the morning, asha runs out and plops herself in front of the hall closet, meowing and looking needy. That's where her food is.
She's such a funny kitty. She wants to eat EVERYTHING. She epecially wants to eat whatever any of the humans are eating. ervy always gives her little scraps of turkey or chicken from his sandwiches. We've already seen how she is with my cereal. sheesh!
She definitely thinks my yarn problem has gone too far when her mommy makes her wear yarn for photos!
I received my pattern for the mother bear charity project in the mail (motherbearproject.org). I'm really excited to get started, but I don't have size 7 needles. Ok I should have had some, but the damn circulars I ordered off ebay had this weird metal roughness problem that tears whatever yarn i have on it. Boo. I'm tentatively starting the pattern on size 8's until I hear differently from the project coordinators (i emailed to see if that's ok). The pattern is really really simple! I think it will be a fairly quick knit.
I got compliments on my pom pom hat today which made me quite happy!
My throat hurts when I swallow which means I need to load up on zinc and vitamin c so that I don't get sick.
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