When we got there we found out that my grandma hasn't been feeling well for the past 4-5 days. She's taking that chinese black medicine stuff that is supposedly a cure-all, so I hope she gets better soon. She hasn't been sick in a long time, and I always worry about her.
As it turns out she's been looking for a hat to keep her head warm at night when she sleeps. My mom saw the hats ervy and I were wearing that I had made, and told me about my grandma's search for a hat. So of course, I've moved my grandma's knit hat to the top of my priority list. I'm hoping to finish two hats by tuesday so I can mail them home. My grandma asked for a white hat, but her favorite color is blue. So I think I'll make her both a white and a blue hat.
Still I have a problem with knitting a plain white hat. It just looks so stark, so I was trying to think of a nice intarsia pattern I could knit in. I decided on the Chinese character for longevity. Of course I couldn't find any color charts for that when I searched, so I made my own. Here are my two versions.

I think I'm going to knit the first one. I like how it came out better.
I'm sending my grandma warm healthy thoughts!
I wish I could have been at the knit-in on Friday! Hopefully someone will host another one soon, I need to get out and do my knitting in public!
That's too funny about your instant gratifiaction Musique scarf.... add that one to the list of similar knitting projects!
Sending Grandma virtual chicken soup from Toronto (complete with matza ball).
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