*whoa* while typing that I got ambushed by girl scouts at my house selling expensive cookies. But since I remember being a girl scout (all the way through high school I might add), I ordered 2 boxes. 1 samoas 1 tagalog.
I would like to note that I would have posted the war president collage if it weren't for ervy's bday today. I knew i was going to wish him happy birthday, and an unhappy inaugaration isn't gonna stop me!
knitting update
I reveal Sophie with beaded handle!!

The beads are all glass, plus a few swarovski crystals thrown in for good measure (ok it's really for the wonderful sparkle in the light... ooh sparkles). I bought the hand grommet tool from Joanns over the weekend.
My pastor hat is almost done... I had planned to do the aran hat from the knit a day calendar, but I realized it might be too girly, guys seem to like these beanie hats better... so here it is... well almost.

Here's my Musique scarf on the needles, neglected. Poor thing, I just keep finding projects that need to be finished before it. The funny thing about this is that Delia

I'm almost done with one of the armwarmers for my cousin's birthday... see!

I've also learned how to yo and ssk (celebrate the little things right?). I got to use both knitting a lace bookmark, I forgot to take a photo of it, so y'all can just pretend you see it... you DO see it RIGHT?!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! Your Sophie bag looks fantastic! Love the beaded handle!
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