yes that's what I am. Here's my attempt to be a good blogger and respond to comments/questions :)
Ann asked "I love the Punk Girl Fashion yarn - any thoughts on what it will become?"
Punk Girl Fashion actually went up on Asha's Corner for sale. The sale is currently pending. However, I love the yarn so much, I may try to duplicate it somewhat for a skein for myself to make a funky hat or scarf.
Lisa asked what yarn I am using for my sophie bag.
I'm actually using some recycled wool yarn that I hand dyed as seen in this post from way back when.
And lastly, thank you all for your lovely comments on my yarn and fried goods! Jenn pointed out that my undercooked bacon actually looks alot like the soy Morning Star bacon. I have to agree. So my bacon is actually vegetarian. That'll be my story, and I'm sticking to it!
I'm really excited about the Knit In I've been invited to by Nathania at Purls Beyond Price. This will be the first time I've knitted with anyone else ever! I knit in public, but I've just never made it to any sort of knitting group. I'm soooo excited! It's a potluck, so I get to think all week about what to bring.... any suggestions?
Sophie is almost done, I just need to decide whether I'm knitting the icord straps or making beaded handles ala Now Norma Knits 2.
Meanjunglist just posted a strawberry hat she made, and I've took it as a sign to get off my butt and start my own strawberry hat. Mine will have earflaps ala kittyville hat and a long icord off the top with a knitted leaf (I hope)
Here's how mine is going so far. I grabbed some wool ease I had sitting around in the appropriate colors.
And finally, here's a pic from over the holidays of some FO's with their recipients. Left to right: My mom with her red fun fur and black caron yarn scarf, my grandma with her paton's pebble scarf, in the back is my brother where you can just barely see that he's wearing brown irish hiking armwarmers I knitted for him
I made a new set of green stitchmarkers with a lovely green rose bead for the lead stitch marker.
I spun up some singles from more of the elvira hair roving that came with my wheel. I think it needs some feathers or sequins :)
I bought some fun stuff to add to my spinning. I thought I'd posted this, but I don't see it. More feathers, some sparkly hearts, sequins, and wilton icing dyes for dyeing
and with the new dyes, I've dyed a few things...
some flame colored roving! It's so nice and bright and warm ( a lovely contrast to the rainy cloudiness we've had lately).
and the last skein of alpaca/shetland plyed with itself was dyed with blue and red wilton dyes making this:
It's due to become either a scarf or a hat... I'm thinking a scarf.
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Thank You for teh package Lori It was a nice suprise!!! Your fiber is gorgeous. Where can I find the pattern for the Sophie bag?
Wow, your dyed yarn and roving is beautiful! And I've never spun but I've been dying to try it. Feathers and sequins will be awesome!
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