Right now I'm knitting:
1. lace cowl in kidsilk haze from Weekend Knitting
2. striped socks (not real name of pattern, but that's what they are) from Weekend Knitting in Carons or something blue and stripey
3. the bag for the base of my Fry Along foods.
4. my instant gratification Musique scarf (not so instant gratification when I leave it languishing half done for a month!)
I picked up Vogue Knitting Magazine this weekend from Michael's. I'm terribly anxious to do this bag:

I'd also love to do the big sweater on the cover by Twinkle. It looks so comfy cozy. But it calls for 6 skeins of Brown Sheep Burly Spun yarn which even buying by the 1 lb cone from this ebay seller, would cost me $72 to buy the yarn for the sweater (before shipping). snarfblat I say.
I also swung by Creative Hands today for their superbowl sale. It was way overcrowded for such a small space. I checked out a rowan mag (I think it was the ribbon twist one) I had eyed at Uncommon Threads, but it was $3 more than at Uncommon threads! I did pick up this pattern by Just One More Row. Creative Hands had it knit up in Noro Kureyon which was gorgeous. Unfortunately, the pattern doesn't call specifically for that yarn, and the shop help couldn't tell me how many skeins it might take to knit the bag up. I personally think it would take 3, maybe 4 so I could do an extra long ribbed handle so I could wear it around across my chest. I adore it though. Another bag on the must knit list!
I also picked up a learn to crochet magazine at Barnes and noble, because I found the diagrams incredibly helpful. So eventually, i will crochet (I feel like I keep saying this to myself... someday I will be handy with a hook as well).
ervy and I went over to adam and paulie's place for the superbowl (er, the first half of the superbowl). I sat and knitted pink and red roses for my mom and grandma for Valentine's Day. I have to admit, I was dissappointed in the half time show. Paul McCartney singing Beatles songs alone really didn't have kick.
We had to take off to go to a dinner with my family and my father's old Bain colleague. I was told the parents were trying to figure out how to help their son get into college, but I thought my father must have been mistaken. When I met the family and their 10 year old son, I relaxed... or I did until the mother started firing questions at me and evan as to how we got in to Stanford, what made us so special, what do you need besides good grades, what high schools did we go to, yada yada yada...
Dude. their son is 10. TEN! Beyond that, even when ervy and I explained what we had done in high school, she seemed unable to accept what we told her (as in, she didn't seem to think we had done anything special, which is fine, but stop grilling us then!). Honestly, we have no real idea what exactly got us into school. It's so hard to say. So you give the normal spiel... blah blah blah... you've got to show you have a passion for something... blah blah blah... the passion needs to shine through on your essay...
Creative Hands had a sale and I missed it! Bummer. :(
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