Yesterday Asha had a little fall where she ended up ok, but ervy didn't. She slipped backwards off the sink and caught her leg on the towel bar, ervy was right there, so he tried to grab her to help her, and he got a deep cat bite into his thumb. Asha wandered off unhurt (she's still running around pouncing on things like normal which the nurse at Adobe Animal Hospital said was a good sign), but evan's thumb got very bleedy and hurty. We bandaged it up, and I didn't think about it again till last night. Then I remembered when I had gone to see about volunteering at the Homeless Cat Network, the lady there told us that cat bites were very dangerous to people due to the bacteria in their mouths. I did a couple google searches and insisted that ervy call a doctor today. He's got an appt this afternoon, and he'll probably get antibiotics. The Animal Hospital said that he'll probably have to fill out an animal bite form at his doctor's office, and that the Asha will have to be placed under quarantine for 10 days and then checked for any sort of problems (rabies whatever). She also hasn't been rabies vaccinated so they'll probably make her get vaccinated :( *unhappy face because I've been told certain rabies vaccinations can cause health problems in kitties*
blah. I'm sure it will all end up ok, but it's just a bit worrisome/hassling right now.
I worked on my Fry Up over the weekend. I ran out of yellow, so I did the back of the purse in a bullseye pattern.

I need to make one more egg, I have an itsybitsy bit of the yellow left, so I might be able to make a small one with a lot of egg white. I've already sewed on my bacon and 1 egg and stuffed the yolk. LOL. This bag amuses me to no end.
I did some knitting on my Musique Scarf, but not too much... and my cowl is languishing away on my yarn dresser.
I found a gorgeous knitted tank top at St Vincent the other day for $4. The yarn is a wonderful thick and thin handspun rose colored wool from Uruguay. I briefly thought about keeping it as is, but I found that the bulky yarn really isn't flattering on me in a top as it adds inches I certainly do not need!
Here it is at the beginning of last night

Here it is now. I should have taken a pic of it next to a tiny quarter or something since the size perspective is hard to get, but these are nice BIG skeins/balls. The left skein is the back, the middle ball is the front, and the small ball is the collar.

Hope the boys finger is OK... Viva got a rabies shot when she was at the vet last week and besides becoming a bit lethargic for a few days, she was fine! Sending positive thoughts...
Popped over from your comment on LJ on my post. :) Oh, my god, I love the Fry Up. That's awesome. :)
I'm sorry to hear bout ervy. Hope everything gets better soon. Your Fry Up looks really fun. :) I really have to say that pink recycled yarn you got there is really nice. Gorgeous looking. As much as I'm drooling over it, I'd nvr be able to pull it off here, tropical climate. That yarn will give me heat stroke. Still love to look at them though :) Happy Valentines.
The fry up, cracks me up. Can't wait to see it as an FO. Also, good find on that yummy pink wool. Looks alot like Manos, mmmmmmmmm. Lucky girl.
Thanks Delia and Laura. The boy seems fine enough. He's got antibiotics so hopefully his finger won't get infected.
Hi Esmerel! Welcome!
Glad you all like the fry up. :)
Thanks Delia and Laura. The boy seems fine enough. He's got antibiotics so hopefully his finger won't get infected.
Hi Esmerel! Welcome!
Glad you all like the fry up. :)
The fry up is killing do the coolest stuff.
Sorry to hear about kitty/ervy mis-adventures. pet ownership can be kind of stressful sometimes, n'est pas?
lol Thanks Jacqueline! Pet ownership can be stressful, but it's so worth it!
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