Today's vintage pattern:

Today I was searching everywhere for my 10 1/2 size circulars so I could start on a shawl. I was going insane. Then I realized that those circs currently have my cowl-to-be-in-a-bajillion-years. I thought about making a special trip to a LYS to get some Addi's, but I just didn't have time today :(
I stopped by Target to try to find these Hello Kitty Shoe Charms for stitch markers that PurlGurl picked up recently in the shoe section. Sadness! I couldn't find them ANYWHERE! I looked in the shoe section, the toy section, the birthday party section, the kid's clothes section, the jewelry section... alas, no Hello Kitty stitch markers for me :( S'ok. I'll live :-P
I went to Heidi's Pies last night with ervy, Nate, and NickChan. Mmmm... pie. Nothing beats 24 hour pie. I had banana cream. Ervy brought home a whole key-lime pie. Apparently I was supposed to ask nate if he was dating anyone since I ask him every time I see him. He expected me to ask, and I didn't even think about it. oops! He was quite excited to tell me that he could finally say, "yes, I have a girlfriend"
Hey does anyone know if I have to go to the post office to send a letter Airmail to Canada? Do I need a special Airmail stamp or can I just write the address on and put on the correct amt of postage?
I'm not really into the clapotis either but I loved doing the FBS. I used a grape colored fingering weight Frog Tree- single strand.
Once I realized I could keep track of my spot in a row with a little piece of yarn I moved after counting each repeat I knit, it really flew and I finished about 3/4 of it in a week.
I dont' even know what claptois is.
I have received mail from the U.S. without an airmail stamp - if that's any help.
I started the clapotis (because of all the buzz around), but didn't feel the love at all. So now its sitting in a pile off the corner somewhere. I'm also itching to do a shawl but still looking for a pattern.
I've sent stuff to Canada with just correct postage and written the word Canada in bold. You can probably just handwrite "Air Mail" on the envelope too.
I hate the color and the fringe, but it the right yarn this shawl would be gorgeous:
This is a very nice stole style:
I don't care for Clapotis at all either. I suppose it's nice enough, but it's not particularly inspiring, and it sure as heck isn't unique anymore, since everyone and her cousin is knitting one...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who isn't ecstatic about Clapotis.
Julie your FBS is beautiful! As is your kitty! Very inspiring! I can't believe you finished it so quickly!
Jacqueline it's a Fall knitty pattern
It's the current hip thing to knit in the knit blogging universe ;).
Knitty knit knit & Nathania- thanks for the info! That's great I've had a letter for Canada sitting on my table for a couple weeks now because I didn't know if I had to take it to the post office or not (and I'm too lazy to go to the post office of course :P)
Ooh thanks Lynette! Let me know.
Thanks for the links Colette. I have contemplated the 1st one. The 2nd one is gorgeous!
No you don't have to go to the post office to mail a letter to Canada or Australia or Europe as long as it's just a letter or card with no bumpy addiitons. For Canada I put four stamps on which may be over paying but my pen pals collect stamps. For Europe and Australia I stick on five stamps. I use regular plain white bussiness envelopes and write airmail on the envelope with a red marker. All have reached their destaination without postage due. I stick them in my mailbox at home and out postal lady pickes them up.
Oh I forgot. No I'm not going to knit clapotis or any shawl for that matter. I thought clapotis was a scarf which I won't be knitting any time soon as well. I like sweaters mostly with the odd afgan every decade or so.
I am one who doesn't really understand this clapotis craze. But yet I haven't been sucked into any craze yet. All I've been knitting are either patterns at least a few months old or from old books.
I like the vintage photos on your blog. Are they just photos or you have the patterns as well? The capelet-turns-apron thing is cute, I think.
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