I also bought a few vintage knitting patterns from ebay. I am so super happy with them! They're from the 50's and 60's, so their copyrights have a ways to go before they expire. Otherwise I'd post the patterns here. I will start posting some of the pictures of the vintage knitted items, and if someone REALLY wants the pattern, email me, and we'll see if we can work something out.
Here's a few vintage scans from my knitting books for today!
A Shawl with a pocket! from a Kentucky yarns book

A striped coat

and a Bib and Tucker

I think the images of the models themselves are priceless.
I also found a few places on the web that have some vintage patterns for download if you're interested:
glamarama has some super duper cute patterns for download in pdf form
someone on craftster posted a few of their vintage patterns
Two Sisters Vintage has a few up already and are in the process of scanning more
knitting-crochet.com has some antique patterns as well.
In my own knitting this weekend, I started and finished the left glove of the Mikado Ribbon Fingerless Gloves which have been on my to do list for a while. I am stash busting for this project. I pulled out a bag of white and metallic thread yarn from Israel I found thrifting a while ago. I had to double it to get close to gauge. I still only got 20 sts in 4in when it calls for 22 sts in 4in, but I figured I wouldn't mind if they were a bit loose. Now I need to do the right glove.
The mikado gloves as a stash buster is important, because since stitches, I have sworn off from buying any new yarn for some indeterminant amt of time (until I get rid of most of my stash). Therefore, I cannot do the Vogue rose trellis bag unless I find appropriate yarn in my stash. I do have yarn that will felt, but they won't be the colors called for... I might do the bag in a weird eclectic color version as a stash buster.
Anyway you heard it here, no more yarn buying. I will however, let myself buy a cheap sweater to recycle now and then since it puts such little strain on my budget, and a really good sweater to unravel from a thrift is always a good find :)
Wow, I am impressed with your willpower, though having to work from a budget does help. That's cool about recycling the sweaters, too!
Are the oldie patterns great? I got a bunch of my mom's.
I also have a book called 'Vintage Vogue' where the did a redux of old patterns from the 20's. But now the book is so old that it's 80's take on these patterns in retro itself. Vintage Vintage I call it.
haha Thanks NickC. Are we still on for pie tomorrow night?
Amanda, what is this rekal you speak of? hmm... sounds interesting. guess I'll google it!
lucky you! my mother never knitted. My grandma did, but only a teensy bit and that was a long long time ago (i don't think she has anything left). I keep wanting to scour garage sales and used bookstores looking for old patterns.
The Vintage Vogue book sounds neat. I ran across a Workbasket book that took vintage patterns and 'updated' them. I was a bit dissappointed because I thought the older unaltered patterns looked better than what they did to them :(
Great patterns... can someone please explain what exactly a 'bib' is? ;)
A 'bib' is a piece of fabric that you place around your neck - usually to prevent food from falling onto your shirt. Like a baby's bib. I'm trying to think of what another word for it is.. but can't. What do you call the thing you put around a baby when it eats?
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