I received my helloknitty.com order of Cascade 220 (a 100% wool yarn, like $6 for 200 yds or something. I got 4 skeins of Aporto (a blueish color) and 1 skein of a burgundy-ish color that i can't remember the name of)
I will make the Kyoto sweater from knitty.com with it. looks like this but i'm going to make it longer with the blue as the base and burgundy as the accent. (top in picture)
I also bought a brightly colored skein of LionBrand's new yarn Landscapes that I've been reading about on the knitting community. (bottom left in photo) i've already cast on for my 3rd attempt at a hat.
I continued recycling yarn from an olive sweater (20% wool 80% acrylic ... super duper soft!!!!!) and I've currently unraveled 3 skeins (bottom right)
The other yarns are made by joanns. they're called willow, and i haven't decided to keep them yet. they were on sale, but i'm not sure i like the colorways that the yarns are in. this one is kinda pinkish (bottom middle)

I also bought two skeins of Paton's Pebble yarn in a blueish color with pink/mauve "pebbles." I made it into a quick scarf for either my grandmother or auntie su.

I also got 1.25 lbs of wool roving in the mail from ebay on Friday. It was only $10 ish plus shipping. I SOOOOO didn't realize how much a lb of wool would be! I put my keys in the pic for reference. I have almost another pound coming in the mail to me (i was ebay happy last week): 6.3 oz of merino wool and 8 oz of alpaca/shetland wool blend.
I've started to spin my massive amount of roving already. I'm already doing much better than my first batch :)

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