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Tuesday, October 26, 2004


ashaRestWindow, originally uploaded by lwu81.

Adam and Paulie came over last night to play some knights of catan. I lost to the MAX! er.. I was definitely trailing.

I did get a chance to continue knitting my 3rd attempt at a hat. Ack, I look back on my decision now to do increases at k9 and I get aggravated. I knitted quite a bit after that and only at the end of the night did i realize that it was gonna be humongoid on me.

so I frogged it until I got back to the k8 decrease row. Hopefully this will be small enough now. But I lost all that knitting! ack! grr. i have to stop going with non specific patterns (ie "continue increasing until it fits your head" since it's really hard to tell if it fits my head when it's on the needles.

Question on the roving from _procession in the spinningFiber community:

"what do you think you'll make with it? or will you give skeins of it away for the holidays?"

I will use the roving to practice getting better at even spinning. The skeins I make will probably go into some of my holiday knitting presents either fully or as accents (depending on the colors I end up dyeing it or not dyeing it) in the knitting.

I would give it away as gifties, but none of my friends knit. Minger used to knit started but gave up before I started knitting. I think there's perhaps one woman at work who knits like a fiend, that I can gift some skeins to now that I am thinking about it (but she yelled at me during the conference, and she seems to act like a second mom to me... do i really need another one? on the other hand, she's always super excited to show me her knitting and try to get me to go to her knitting group)


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