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Thursday, July 15, 2004

Pee Wee Herman Parade

From Catastrofia's Blog:
Celebrate Pee Wee Herman on Paul Reubens Day!
July 24th , 1pm Meet at Zeitgeist (Duboce and Valencia)13 long years ago one man dared to stand erect for what he believed in, his right to touch his own
private place in a public place. The Con however, would not let this man who brought joy and A.D.D. to the lives of so many, escape from the South Trail triple x Cinema theater in Sarasota Florida unscathed. He was arrested and humiliated for onanistic urges and the uncomfortable mental visuals of a man with a red bowtie around his peter. We are here to celebrate the beautiful
melding of porn and playfulness, smut and silliness, filth and frivolity, and anything that can make us SCREAM REALLY LOUD.

So join us! Don your favorite grey suit or flasher-wear, become a big stuffed chair or a disembodied genie head for a day and ride on this Big Adventure through the Mission! And the best Pee-wee or F(riends)O(f)P(ee-wee) costume wins amagical radical amazical prize!!!!

We will be meeting at Zeitgeist at 1pm and will be playing until about 7pm. This year a $5 donation will be required for the secret special surprise
part of the day, and of course bring money for booze or toys or whatnot. Wear comfortable (white) shoes and remember tissues (preferably used and
red bowties required!

When: Saturday, July 24 2004 1 pm
Location: The Zeitgeist (and parade route through the Mission)
Duboce @ Valencia, San Francisco"


Sounds like it could be fun/interesting time to just go and hangout or dress up (might be too much effort at this stage)

btw, good morning everyone! :)


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