Yesterday for our 1.5 yr anniversary, we went to see The House of Sand and Fog. It wasn't playing too near us because it wasn't picked up by the Century theaters. It was playing at AMC (which we avoid at all costs) and at the Camera Cinemas. We went to Camera 7 in Campbell which which I highly recommend to you all. Before the movie previews, it shows a few ads, but it also showed photography and art slides, and people can submit their art for display before the show. Plus, they allow you to bring food in from Pizza my heart or their cinema cafes (yay to something besides extremely expensive popcorn and candy). They also have student discounts and are located in a center with plenty of other food (i used to go to this shopping center w/ my family and apop). To apop: remember the center where you drove around the circle turnaround repeatedly?
And for the movie, YOU MUST GO SEE IT. apop wrote a synopsis for y'all here at his lj. Be warned to bring tissues and be prepared to be very very sad. It's beautiful though and worth seeing in the theaters. Some points in the movie hit you over the head a little too hard to parallel the stories, but it's forgivable. the bird metaphor is a little too much.
you can read my lj about my dining experience at La Fondue in Saratoga right after the movie
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