Did you know that radishes can mature in a month after planting them? Some varieties take longer like the black spanish radish (yum!) and watermelon radish (double yum!)
In the whole vegetable garden theme of things, this sounds almost like 'instant' gratification for me... I mean it's not truely instant, but I'm just fascinated by how quickly they are ready for harvest. I plan on planting a bunch of varieties when I go up to Seattle. Some varieties are okay for warmer weather, but I think it's more of a cold weather crop. Still, I decided I might as well give it a try before I leave sunny CA, and I planted a few in one of the big wine barrel planters I have. I may only get tops and not bottoms if it's too warm, but c'est la vie. It's just fun to try.
knitting question
I would love to start knitting some socks out of some beautiful Opal yarn I have, but I don't have size 1 needles. Would you sock knitters out there recommend I get dpns or do that thing with two socks on a circular?
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i've tried dpns and magic loop... and magic loop is MUCH better and quicker. you could also consider toe up!
I am a double pointed needle kind of gal myself.
I'm a convert to Two Socks on Two Circulars. You can Google it. It rocks.
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