I did Tivo Martha Stewart's new show "Martha" on NBC. I didn't realize it was a talk show... albeit a talk show with crafting, cooking, and gardening. I admit, I have learned a new way to fold a t-shirt since watching. I do appreciate that the show doesn't try to hide the fact that Martha was in prison for awhile. In fact, it pretty much celebrates the fact. The opening has pictures of Martha leaving prison in her famous poncho. Also, all the producers of the show wear leg bands (like she had to wear while in house arrest) so they can keep track of each other. I'll be honest, I think she did better with just her cooking shows on foodtv. Watching her try to converse with Marcia Cross was painful (desperate housewives!). I guess I just don't like her style of interviewing. Maybe it was 1st day nerves... meh we'll see.

We Tivo'd WB's Supernatural. This first episode is partly set at Stanford University in the beginning which is funny, because it doesn't look at all like Stanford, and they go to a party with an awesome bar (which is really funny)... ok, Im trying to say it's still funny, but I'm now afriad this is going to give me nightmares. I'm not allowed to watch X-files (according to evvie), because it keeps me up all night. Yikes. ok we'll see if I'll be ok with this show.
I listened to the committee hearing for John Roberts today, and I have to say I enjoyed Senator Biden's questioning the most. I found it most amusing while doing boring brain analyses. I hope my boss didn't think I was crazy laughing at my data...
sp 6 starts now!!
Hi SP6 if you're reading!!!
I have been having fun spinning the rovings that my sp5 gave me, and honestly, I've been craving a good knit. I had hoped to begin my flower basket shawl, but I realized the needles I need are taken by this boring old scarf (a 2x2 rib... so boring i can't do it for long periods of time). I think I may pick up my lace cowl from weekend knits so I can wear it now that the weather is starting to cool down again. Blah, wanting to knit being indecisive about what project makes me weary... actually that's probably all the grad app stuff. Poop. I think I'll start knitting again when I'm a bit less stressed (I know, I know, I should knit so that I BECOME less stressed)
I too TiVo'd Martha and thought it was pretty stiff and uncomfortable despite their obvious efforts to be cheery, relaxed and introduce more humor. My son Daniel asked me why I did a season pass if I didn't like the first show, I figure I'll give it a week or two and see if it improves.
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