thanks to Esmerel, Evvie and I have found The rating system isn't the best (if they're going to make you comment a 75 char comment, why don't they have a character counter? and what's with the different scales... who rates 1-20???), but we at least now have a nice centralized way of reviewing the beers evvie seems to bring home from his many trips to Whole Foods. Too bad we didn't find it earlier. It's hard to remember specifics of many beers now.
I do want to mention, randomly, that I've found some of the best packaged biscotti I've ever tasted. Semifreddi's chocolate dipped almond biscotti is frelling fantastic!
on knitting
every time I get through an odd lace row of fbs, I'm pretty proud of myself for my concentration. I'm on the second set of ten on the lower fbs chart now... I'm thinking of scanning and printing out the chart in different colors to help myself visually keep track of where I am better (I don't want to write on the magazine... for some reason, that just makes me cringe...)
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I think the rating system comes from the official beer judgement system. I'd have to look it up to be sure, though. :)
FWIW, I am uriel on ratebeer, my housemate is omnivore:)
so, if we like netflix, we'd love the ratebeer? except, i hate beer. i guess i wouldn't enjoy it. can't wait to see FBS!
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