It was chilly in Seattle today! Luckily, I WFH all day, so I only had to bundle like this to run to the Post Office.
Today's outfit is pretty boring. Sorry! I went super comfy casual today with jeans, and soft layers like this cardigan and this silk Eci shirt. I figured if I was going to curl up with data all day, I needed to make sure to wear something comfy that I could literally 'curl' in. I tend to sit and shift into really odd body positions when I'm working on data all day - horrible for carpal tunnel :).
there's purple in this shirt! Wearing purple in recognition of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
The steamer didn't take out all the wrinkles in the shirt this morning, but since I was busy literally curling up with data, it got wrinklier anyway!
This is my favorite pic of Buddie yet!
OOTD Specs
Silk Eci shirt sz 4 (thrifted $2.50)
United Colors of Benetton long-sleeve nude shirt sz S (had for about ten years!)
One Step Up brown cropped and hooded cardigan (thrifted $5)
Lucky Brand jeans size 4 (thrifted $8)
DonnyBrook wool coat sz 2 (thrifted $8)
Our big tree is ALMOST bare! Look what Evan did this weekend:
The Before
The After
of course, I said 'almost bare.' There's still a decent amount of leaves up in those branches. Now a ton of leaves have fallen again, so it looks like he didn't do anything! He was kinda sad about that. :)
Don't you wish you had one of those useless leaf blowers? :)
Your outfit...boring it is not! I love the patterns on that top. Glad you were able to work from home. I'd be totally in my pjs and run to the post office in sweats. Yay to you for dressing up!
Oh, what a brilliant partner you have Lori. I can't believe he cleared it all up, that's what i call a man :-)
You sure look comfortable in your outfit. It's not boring at all lori, you look great actually, considering you've just recovered from a cold!
Buddie looks cute in his blue sweater :-)
omigosh! So many leaves!!!! Jolly good show!
I LOVE the print in that top! Super cute outfit!! And that is an adorable picture of Buddie! Wow, what a bummer about the leaves! When I was young, destroying leaf piles was a great hobby... I only later learned that people were perhaps not creating them for my own destructive glee! ;)
i posted your campaign for a life in technicolor!!
sorry it took so long! but thank you for participating, i love it!
Comfy is good. And 2.50 is amazing for that silk blouse. But be careful how you work. I have 50% reduction of my carpel tunnel in my right hand. I have to mouse entirely with my left. I am getting very good at it after 2 months.
We have had 3 storms in a row. My BF keeps cleaning my back patio. But it just gets destroyed a few days later.
It took a few minuts to figure out what WFH meant.
My lord! That's a lot of progress! I loooove that psychedelic print on that top!
Leaves! Love the before and after pictures Lori. Your oufit is very cute for someone who is getting over being sick, would never know! Dog is super cute as well :)
@Cindi lol, we do have one of those useless leaf blowers, but we realized how useless it was out here pretty immediately. :)
@Matt haha! I can totally imagine you jumping into peoples' nicely piled leaves. I blame cartoons for telling us that's what we should do. :)
@Kara lynn Thanks so much! I love the whole campaign you're doing! It's so fun to get to know other bloggers that way.
@Laura thanks for letting me know about the acronym. I added it to my "what did she say?" section :)
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