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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Got my Blooming Lattice cardigan in the mail today!

I had tried it on at Anthropologie awhile ago, but I couldn't bear to pay the $88 price tag. I had hoped it would go on sale, but then it proved to be so popular that it sold out online, and even in stores they sold out of the navy color (they still had this pretty bright green, but I have too many green cardigans, and I needed a navy staple).

Luckily people have it for sale new on Ebay. So I paid less than in store anyway :) Thus far it feels like the fit is a little larger than the one I tried on in the store, but I still like it. (pics are from when I tried it on at Anthro).

E wasn't the hugest fan of this. I think he thought it was too grandma-ish. But I love this granny style, the large looping lace is so sweet. Plus, grannies don't wear things this fitted - so there! :P


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