Here Ervy and I pose with my friends Hilary and Steven and our Christmas tree after some holiday gaming (San Juan, I believe).
I'm downloading photos from my camera right now so I can try to catch up on all the blogging I missed. Although, I was a poor blogger the past couple months, I did manage to whip out a camera during key times such as:
when my flower basket shawl was finished and blocking

It's my first finished lace project, and I made a bijillion mistakes (but didn't fix them), and I love it anyway. It's earmarked as my grandma's xmas gift, but she was in HK this holiday season to visit my aunt's family, and so she'll get it later :) Here's a close-up for my own pleasure.

Also this holiday season, there was yummy foodage.
There were large turkey tamales (made in a meatloaf pan):

This was one of the ways we used up leftover turkey. We also did sesame turkey noodles, turkey curry, turkey congee, & turkey donburi style in our effort to make turkey new and exciting every day we revisited it.
This season I also found the magic of Yorkshire Pudding. I had no idea what this was, but I wanted to include it on my Christmas menu for my family (I also made figgy pudding - really it's a cake using figs and craisins). Yorkshire pudding is magical to watch cook. It's basically just a bit of flour and egg, salt and milk thrown into a pan of 450F 3Tbl roast drippings (we roasted a goose which gave us soooo much drippings). The pudding starts to arch and create really tall walls at the sides of the pan and then rise in the middle, leaving you with this weird architectural edible creation worthy of some tasty gravy and meat.

There's more to talk about, but I need to get the photos of stitchmarkers and sp gifts off the camera. Suffice to say, there is more yumminess and craftiness talk on the way, I just needed to get my lazy blogger butt back into the blogosphere!
Preview for next time (Rum Cake heaven):

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