I'm determined not to let this interfere with my intentions to keep blogging. Luckily, I still have a few photos in photobucket that I've been meaning to blog about.
For instance, I could show you a picture of what my wonderful ervy got me for Christmas this year.
Last year he bought me Wally, my spinning wheel, so topping that was going to be pretty hard. But you see, I think my sweetie pays close attention to my craigslist and ebay searches. This Christmas I opened up a box to find this:

He found me a drum carder!!! I of course went to work immediately trying to blend and learn how to use it. Here are a few of the carded batts I've made and tied up for safe keeping. I've already spun up about 3 batts not pictured here!

I've actually found that carding the Merino X wool I've washed has made it much easier to spin. I plan to wash more of Alice's fleece so I can make some more wonderfully soft merino skeins. My merino singles are about sport weight/lace weight right now, so I intend to ply. Yay for spinning! Maybe I'll spin some more tonight to keep my mind off my computer.
Skittle seems to find my spinning wheel a bit scary though. Speaking of the little fur ball, I am constantly amazed at how much energy he has (and appetite). While I'm at work (and while we're sleeping), Skittle lives in the second bedroom where he can look out onto the neighbors and out at the squirrels that dig up my pots on the balcony. As soon as I open that door when I'm home, he runs out and darts about the whole house (minus my bedroom--the only place I fear he might get lost). He's a complete spaz, and darts here and there playing with everything, pouncing on Nikko, trying to eat food off our tables, etc. Both Asha and Nikko were about 6 months when we got them, and they didn't have quite this much energy. It's certainly hard to get the little guy to settle down and sit on a lap, but I'm sure that would come with age.
The same exact thing happened to my baby that's only a year and half old too. It came with me everywhere, and one day it said there was no operating system. I'm so glad I had a protection plan! .
that is awesome! what a wonderful gift
That's a pretty kick ass gift. :)
My hubby got me a wheel WOO HOO. :)
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