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Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I just found out scented geraniums are edible! I knew I was attracted to them for a reason (almost everything in my garden is edible). I currently have a jar of sugar sitting at home getting a lovely lemon scent from my lemon balm geranium leaves! I can even be all Martha and bake them into sweet breads to make them all scented and pretty! Huzzah! I can't wait for the nurseries to get them in!

I got myself a 1 gal. bay tree (grecian laurel) over the weekend! It's so cute! The scary Wegman's nursery guy talked me into getting a book on bonsai-ing so I can shape and train my little bay tree into funky shapes. I'm not quite sure I'm up for the task, but I now have a $15 book in my posession that I feel I must use to get my $$ worth.

This past weekend was the 17th yr anniversary of my grandfather's passing. Being such, the family headed out to dim sum followed by a visit to my grandpa's grave where we busied ourselves cleaning up the site, lighting incense, kow towing, and burning dead money. I also managed to catch a cold from either my cousin or my grandma.

Yesterday was my friend Roxy's bday. Of course, being a Monday, there was no time to party hardy. So instead we went out to Cafe Borrone for dessert and coffee. It was good to catch up with Roxy, Nick Chan, Goldie, and Rachael, and there may even be a dim sum get together in all of our futures. Here's a pic of the group, sans me (I'm hoping nick chan, the only other blogger present, will post some of the ones he took). This is probably one of the more unlucky pics of Goldie who is quite pretty. She's all glam and fashion cool now with her own line of clothes. She also works for Sam magazine (apparently the asian form of Maxim). We all sang happy birthday at the end, and I fought it out with Goldie and Rachael over calling the birthday girl Roxy or Roro. They may have out numbered me, but I think I yelled *Happy birthday to ROXY* quite loudly as we sang!

For Roxy's bday present, I'm going to teach her how to knit! She misses crafting things with her hands, and so she'd LOVE to learn how to knit. I'm also going to knit her a hat (hopefully with earflaps) that she can wear next winter :)


Wendy, R.N. said...

Just make sure you get ones that are not treated with pesticides.

You can also eat marigolds, pansies, lots of other blossoms. My personal favorite would have to be stuffed squash blossoms. Yum.

W. :)

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