bleh work.
I want to thank all the people who've left me bday wishes on my bloggy blog!
Thanks also to Kae who sent me the cutest belated bday card... makes me want to be late in remembering someone's bday so i can sent it out as well! just adorable!
taken from sanmiguelmalo
what happens to people after they leave you? (although I've always been the one to leave in the relationship...)
1) Go to U Penn to double major in European History and Biology, minors in Hispanic studies and Film studies. Then goes on to a PhD program at Carnegie Mellon in Social and Cultural History - Modern Spain
2) Goes on to Law School at Pacific McGeorge where he becomes the ATLA (I'm not sure what this stands for) chapter president
3) Went to Stanford University and majored in English and minored in computer science. He was in a rock band called Relapse. He graduated and went to work at Google as a temp for a while. Now I have no idea where he is.
4) Changed his major to Art History, graduated and got into every selective Art History PhD program. He chose to go to Harvard.
still to come... ming's interview questions....
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