I later realized it was a tomato plant, and over the past few months, I've watched it spread across the 2'x2' weedy dirt area. It grew out instead of up (probably due to the soil quality, and lack of watering). Last week, I noticed there were three tomatoes on the plant. Wonderful! Heirlooms in the middle of the street!
Yesterday, when my family visited, I pointed out the fruiting plant. We weren't necessarily quiet, but I didn't think much of it.
Well, today, after it grew in the street for 3 months, it was ripped from the ground. I don't know why. I don't know what happened. It's just gone. The weeds and broken bottles in the plot are still there, so people weren't trying to clean up. It wasn't that large, so it wasn't spilling into the sidewalk or over the curb. It's hard to understand why someone would tear it out. I only wish I had been more discreet about the plant yesterday.
I never even took pictures of it so as not to arouse suspicion. Poor volunteer tomato plant! Since I had 12 different types of tomato plants last year, I never even knew what type of tomato plant you were.

i'm almost finished with putting your package together! i hope to mail it on friday. :)
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