It's become quite apparent that we need to get Nikko a very tall cat tree. One where he can almost be at the ceiling. I'm sure asha might enjoy it as well, but Nikko NEEDS it. He's always jumping on counters and high areas no matter what we do to try to deter him. He wanders around the house doing sad meowing and long sighs staring at high places he cannot reach. If we pick him up and bring him up high toward the ceiling or whatever he's staring at, he gets much much happier. But then my arms start to hurt after a while, and I have to put him down, and he gets sad again.
Secret Pal yayness!!!!!!!
I cannot at all explain how very very excited I was to open the new package from my Secret Pal this week!
Right on top when I opened the box were these two wonderfully soft skeins of Knit Picks Shimmer yarn in a beautiful fall colorscheme!

I immediately ran to my old IK from last fall, and checked... Indeed! These will be PERFECT for the flower basket shawl I've been wanting to do! I wanted to cast on right then... but I'm still working through Cleaves (it's been going slower since it got warmer here. Keeping heavy sweater arms on your lap while you're warm isn't fun, although I'm almost done with the 2nd arm, and will be moving on to the cowl soon). but when I finish Cleaves, I'm casting on for my FBS!!!
And look at this cool little device:

It's a pretty beaded ROW counter. I had no idea they made these! I think it's such a wonderful idea. It's used like an abacus, and a plain pink bead stands for one row, and a striped bead stands for 5 rows. NEATO!
also look at this way too cute stationary:

lol! sheep butt! such a cute set of cards! I only wish I'd thought of such a cute card idea!!
Let me say my dear SP5 you made my evening. I had fun jumping around showing ervy the wonderful things you sent!! Thank you so much!
Never seen a cat who likes to be handled upside down without feet facing the ground..:) That's a sight! Lovely gifts. That beaded row counter is very interesting.
You got some great stuff. I may have to see if I can reverse engineer one of those row counters. Love the kitty photo :)
I made one of those row counter thingys once, it's not that difficult to do with a clear picture of one. I thought it was awkward to try to use it, but it was for someone else, so I don't know if she found it awkward. I should ask her!
Oooh, what beautiful yarn! And that's pretty funny about Nikko.
~ Christina
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