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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Growing edibles in urban spaces
This flyer was posted outside the room I TA stats in. The flyer says:
"The Urban Farm"
"in this class students will:
-become familiar with techniques of food production in urban settings
- gain a working knowledge of plant families, basic soil characteristics and methods of compost production
- develop a deeper understanding of how productive urban landscapes can reduce the ecological footrpint of urban communities.
- expand their abilities to grow food in an urban setting through experiential learning on the Farm at UW"
I know this is completely unrelated to my research, but I feel like I can't pass up a class like this. I was able to justify it since it's at 8:30a on T/Th. If I didn't take the class, I would probably just sleep an extra hour. This way I can get up and immediately get my mind working!
I'm also excited about the reading list. I've been wanting to read these books for awhile:
Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
On Good Land by Michael Abelman and Alice Waters
Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance
The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture by Wendell Berry
"The Urban Farm" Please let us in and keep us informed of the progress on this sounds like it will be an awesome start to the day! :)
Stephanie Haile
I enjoy reading your blog and would love linking to it and back.
I created for the very urban type who are like me clueless but eager to get going on Growing it ourselves. I guess we are the second wave of adopters after the true greens.
I created it because I met a green deputy ( French assembly ) who bored the socks of me when I was really trying to get him to help figure things out : I realised a lot of true city dwelling, office going type have NO clue and cannot be thrown in the deep end of GYO and expected to adopt !
We need to be show videos, sound bits and new designs that help us get on the way.
My blog is young but I think doing ok.
Love to showcase your thoughts too
Kind regards from London
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