I actually hadn't listened to the Who much before this, although one of their cds is loaded on my ipod.
Ervy got the tix from work, so we were VIPs. This meant: 1) pink ticket, neon yellow wristband, 2) special entrance, 3) special terrace area with a bar and free appetizers and root beer floats, 4) free picture, 5) box seats
overall, the concert was a lot of fun. The real who fans let me know what songs they thought were good. There was much standing, lighter waving, and dancing during the good songs, and during the bad songs, they sat down or left to go get drinks. I personally thought they were pretty good. Unfortunately, I don't think they could really do some of their songs as well as they used to. There were a couple songs where one of the leads was flat the whole time. Other times, the other lead wouldn't really have the timing down on the song, and he'd be going just a tad slower in the beginning than the rest of the band.
one of the men in our box kept lighting up. He bought us all drinks, even though none of us had any idea who he was.

update---- sfgate review of concert
Once one of the greatest rock bands to ever walk the face of the earth, the mighty Who has been reduced to a pair of middle-aged gentlemen propped up by professional sidemen, running through a crisply efficient, vigorous version of the band's old program.
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