So having been to Michael's not too long ago, I realized the store did not have the range of types of yarns I would like to explore in knitting. I had been looking to get into natural fibers since it would be easier to block my scarves afterwards to get rid of the curling problem I have.
The purple chenille sweater above is one I had in my donation pile as it had managed to become too short on me. The two balls of yarn to the side of the sweater were the arms of the sweater.
Today I stopped by st. vincent de paul to look for other good sweaters to recycle into my scarves. I plan to go back until the end of august to look at teh sweaters since they're all 50% off until then.
I picked up this GAP sweater
for $4. It's 50% acrylic, 45% mohair, 5% wool. It's in some fun colors tho for a scarf. I've already dissassembled the front panel and one arm. Here's one of the hanks from that
I also picked up another large greenish sweater that's 100% lambswool. I intend to make a great collection of these recycled yarns so this fall I can knit up a bunch of scarves for the winter.
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